Thursday, May 5, 2011

What I Did 365 - Day 165

There are many things that I love about my job - but one thing that is a constant source of teeth-gritting is the fact that I have to work public holidays. Ewww. Last Friday was Good Friday, and while everyone else in the world slept in and then had a great day, looking forward to a freakin' FIVE DAY WEEKEND, I was at work by 8am. I know, many people work public holidays, so I won't dwell any more. Breathe in, breathe out.
Good Friday at my work is a massive day. We host a huuuuge family fun day, and on top of the usual amazingness of the amusement park, we bring in extra rides and entertainment and stuff. Out in the park, everything is go-go-go. But in the office after about lunch-time... it's pretty darn boring and quiet!!! Luckily I got given a free cupcake by the event organisers. Vanilla cupcake with gooey chocolate icing. Nom.

Unfortunately my Good Friday ended on a huge low, when upon deciding to go to bed early, I took the dogs outside to get them to pee, and I trod on a wayward piece of an old kitchen cupboard, and managed to get 2 rusty nails stuck in my foot. What was going to be a 9.30pm bed-time ended up being a midnight tetanus shot at the emergency hospital. Believe me, the irony of having my foot pierced by nails on Good Friday was not lost on me!! *Probably not funny....*

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